Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Throw Back Thursday

          One of the many crazes on Facebook is Throw Back Thursday. It's when you post a picture from back in the day, and you do it on Thursday. It can be an old school photo, or that awkward family picture taken back when you were 12. It doesn't matter. The whole point is that you are showcasing a moment back in time. 
          I have always wanted to participate in this Facebook tradition, but unfortunately, I cannot. Despite the fact that I have boxes full old photos, I do not have the means to make them digital. So at this time, I am unable to share with you my prom pictures, and that one time I went to Florida on spring break.
          So I decided to have my own Throw Back Thursday...just for you...


      This is Trinity, circa summer 2011. Nick was over at the house, and so was Jaden, which was rare back then. Football was the sport of choice with the boys, and it eventually spilled out onto the front lawn. Trinity somehow acquired (with girl power) not only Jaden's throwing gloves, but also Nick's sunglasses.  She threw that ball back and forth with the boys, and she did it well. To me, this picture represents how natural, and graceful, and athletic Trinity is. She is a girl to be reckoned with. You'll see.

       This is a picture I stole from the Mountain Press newspaper. It was about the school spelling bee, and quite honestly, was one of most nerve-racking events I have ever attended for these kids.( and I've been to them all.) Madison blew all those kids out of the water, and wore a pretty blue bow while doing it. It was fabulous. It was absolutely one of  the most proudest moments I've ever had in my life.  MY daughter rocked that spelling bee. Pixie cut and all. Yes!!

    This is Lexi's first official picture. She popped out so quiet and beautiful, with no drama. The nurses had to slap her (now stinky) feet to make her cry. Physically, it was a fairly easy pregnancy, and birth, as they all were, And actually this is a pretty good picture, considering it was taken with my old flip phone. I wish I would have taken more. I wish I hadn't been so scared of her arrival. As it turns out, Lexi makes me enjoy motherhood in a way I hadn't before. And that's more precious then anything. Really.
I tried

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Snow Day


When we woke up this morning, we had quite a bit of snow. And as a working adult, I wasn't quite sure what to do. I'm not scared of snow, as I was born and raised in Wisconsin. And I can drive the back roads in Tennessee like nobody's business, but I will admit, I'm a little hesitant when you combine the two. So I did what every true American wishes they could do. I drank a cup of coffee, smoked a cigarette, and laid back down in the bed. After my cat nap, and with my mom's insistence, I called in to work, and went out and built snowmen with my kids. And although it's going to cost me a vacation day, it was totally worth it.

My snowman will kick your snowman's *ss


 ...and continues
     Lexi is three years old and a force to be reckoned with. She is what some people may call an "Oopsie Baby", but I beg to differ. The word "Oopsie" implies that a mistake was made, and although Lexi was definitely a surprise, she is most definitely not a mistake. I will honestly say that I cannot imagine my life without her, and I can guarantee the people in our inner circle will agree with me.

(Needs a nap)
     With that being said, life with a little one is not easy. There are diapers to be changed, tantrums to be stopped, and patience to be given. It can be (and is) very exhausting. There are days when Lexi's whining could legally put me in a padded room. But then she'll make me giggle with one of her silly antics, and all is forgiven. Everyday with Lexi is unpredictable, and 100% a blessing.
(With her partner in crime)
   Everyone knows the expression "Two Peas in a Pod", but I'm not sure that completely describes the relationship between Lexi and her Popop. With her magical toddler powers, she entices him to do things I don't think he would normally do. He drinks princess tea and plays Hide Go Seek (he has literally hidden in my room). She loves to put hairbows in his hair and he lets her. I overhear their conversations from the other room, and it's nothing but precious. I look forward to watching them grow up together.
Oopsie Daisy




The update continues....
      Madison is 9 years old, and in her final year at Pigeon Forge Primary School. She's the big girl on campus now that her sister has moved on to middle school. She's keeping her grades up, and has recently joined the Drama Club. Since she's prone to theatrics in every day life, we are thrilled with this new development. Her first performance is next week, and I'm sure it will be spectacular.
(Showing off a new haircut)
 Being the middle child, I think Madison finds herself in a tough spot sometimes. She's in constant competition with an older sister who has done everything before her, and a younger sister who has the novelty of being the "baby".  My hope for her is that she realizes how wonderfully unique she is, and that birth order does not matter. She is my tenderhearted drama queen, and nobody else could fill that spot like she does.
Mini - Me
     Although Madison is the first to give some attitude (and/or talk back) when she doesn't get her way, she is also the first to hand out an apology, and an "I'm sorry, Mama" hug. Her heart is always in the right place, even when her mouth runs away with it. She is compassionate, inquisitive, hilarious, and annoying, all rolled up in one pixie haircut. I can't wait to see what the future brings for her, but I can guarantee, she'll be the loudest one on the stage.
Has front row seats.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


     Let's get caught up, shall we?
Trinity, my oldest daughter, is eleven years old and in the 5th grade. She now attends the middle school, which was a big deal this past fall....a whole new everything. But Trinity has done very well for herself. Not only has she kept up her grades (all A's and B's with an invitation to join the BETA Club), but she also joined the school band. She plays the clarinet, with quite some skill. I was surprised with her initial interest, and am still surprised, and very proud, with the commitment and talent she has shown.

(Trinity on stage during the Christmas band performance)
       So, not only is Trinity rockin' it at school (and all it's related activities), but she is also a Godsend at home. No, she doesn't keep her room clean. And no, she doesn't fold laundry, or do dishes, or take the trash out (unless asked a bazillion times). No. Trinity is what we call the Lexi Whisperer. She has the uncanny knack of knowing exactly what Lexi needs at any given moment. She knows the precise time when to jump in when Mommy has reached her limit. She can coax Lexi to eat her dinner, and get dressed in the morning. She keeps her distracted when I'm busy, and plays with her just because. Trinity displays such great patience and love towards Lexi, that it warms my heart every time I see it.
(Lexi and her Tee Tee)
      I could go on and on about how awesome Trinity is (don't even get me started on her scrambled eggs), but she is by no means perfect. It's like pulling teeth to get her to brush her hair, and she insists on wearing an awful green sweat shirt/jacket everywhere. Even to bed. She's stubborn and annoying, and has an uncanny knack of losing whatever it is she is looking for. There are times I could just strangle her, only minutes after hugging her. She is your typical pre-teen, and I anticipate a bumpy road ahead. Everybody better buckle up.
She really is a great kid


Saturday, February 1, 2014

I'm Back!!

     You might remember me from my last blog "HOWDY", which I started many years ago to give my family a glimpse of our life here in Tennessee. The addition of a new baby put a screeching halt to any and all postings, and poor "HOWDY" pretty much withered and died. Now that the new baby is almost three years old, I figured that it was about time I get my act together, and once again start entertaining my followers (all four of them) with our crazy antics.
     I know our shenanigans are no different from any other family with a single mom, pre-teens, and a toddler, but we have the added bonus of living with my parents, AKA Grandma and Popop. Three generations under one roof equals a lot of laughter, yelling, tantrums, and hugs, so I encourage you to sit back, and enjoy the show!

Glad to be here